
Our scientists have a broad range of skills and experience working on a variety of custom projects such as those on DNA Cloning and Protein Expression, Cell Line Development, Cell-based Assays including Organ-Specific Toxicity Studies, Phenotopic Assays and Drug Screening with our Cellular Disease Models, and Protein Interaction Studies etc.. 

Featured Custom Services

We can generate stable cell lines for a wide variety of genes or siRNA sequences. From designing and synthesizing the requested cDNAs to editing your cell line, we offer end-to-end cell line development.

  • Stable Cell Line Development
  • Knockdown Cell Line Development
  • Fluorescent Cell Line Development

Our Cell-Based Assays include toxicity assays, phenotypic assays and drug screening services. The development of these cell-based assays comprises primary cells, but also recombinant cell lines mimmicking disease pathways.

  • Organ-Specific Toxicity Assays
  • Phenotypic Assays (Cell Damage, Cell Behavior)
  • Drug Screening (Cellular Disease Models)

We can assist you with time-consuming cloning & protein expression projects. You can save efforts, time and money by sending your projects for experienced handling at our laboratories. You simply provide or designate a vector of choice, sequence information of the DNA to be cloned and template DNA and you’ll receive your gene ready to use in your downstream applications.

Protein Interaction Services use a platform designed for high throughput analysis and identification of protein: protein & protein:RNA interactions. It can also be used to study disease relevant protein and ribonucleoprotein complexes.

  • Interactome Inhibition
  • Interactome Validation
  • Interactome Identification