Innoprot provides cell-based assays for drug discovery and development applications. The company offers a wide range of stable cell lines and primary cells. All cells are validated for high-throughput screening and high content screening. Innoprot stable cell lines focus on drug targets such as GPCRs, nuclear hormone receptors, and ion channels.
In addition, Innoprot has developed a proprietary technology (NOMAD) for high content screening. NOMAD technology allows to monitor changes in the concentrations of intracellular cAMP or Calcium by fluorescence imaging. The company also offers custom assay development and high content screening services. These services aim to provide solutions to speed up the drug discoveries of the customers.
Innoprot has officially authorized Cells Online to sell all of its products and services in the US market.
All researchers and scientists who would like to inquire on or purchase Innoprot’s products or services may contact Cells Online in order to have the best support and services.